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    The study investigates family size as correlate of academic performance among senior secondary school students in Sokoto metropolis using correlational research design. The population of the study comprised of 8,185 students. ...
  • DR. DEJO, A; ABDULRAHMAN (1988-11-28)
    In the developing countrie~, the proportion of the population over the aee of sixty is still typically small. Life expectancy irimodt cas~S ~ti1i' fankes between forty-five and fifty~five years. Fo~ ih~taric~,-· life ...
  • Abubakar, M.K; Lawal, M; Bilbis, L.S (Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1992-02)
    Cytochrome c oxidase was prepared according to the method of Yonetani (1961), The pH-induced optical transition in the oxidised (resting) enzyme was studied between 400 and 500 nm at different temperatures, The changes in ...
  • Bilbis, L.S; Almustapha, D.A; Shehu, R.A; Abubakar, M.G (Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1995)
    Cyanogenic glycosides, Phytic acid, total and soluble oxalates are common antinutrlents associated with plant tissues. The levels or Ihese substances wore doterrnlnod In tho leory voqctabtcs "Zognla" (Molinga.proygospomio), ...
  • Almustapha, D.A; Bilbis, L.S; Rades, J.M; Abubakar, M.K (Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1995)
    There is 'ltlitc a (;1.lilst;]l1tial variation 111the chemical cornpositlon of oil seeds due to varietal 'lnd '?TlVlrcllrnental r;)el"I!'. 'i" d~trrrtlillc lhc exact composillon of populnr oil seeds 111Norlllcrrl NlgNlil, ...
  • Bilbis, L.S; Muazu, A.G; Abubakar, M.G (Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1995)
    The ability of the plant extract "Danya" (Sc/erocarya birrea) to neutralize the necrotic and haemorrhagic effect of Naja naja and Naja nigricol/is venom was investigated. The plant extract of various doses were pre-incubated ...
  • Ladan, M.J; Bilbis, L.S; Lawal, M. (Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 1996)
    The nutrient coriJpqsition of some green leafy vegetables constm8d in Sokota was investigated. Of those studied, Brassica int&gl1fo11a (KII~I) was found.Jo have the highest crude protein content (21.5 :t 0.7%); TaJinum ...
  • Abubakar, M.K; Bilbis, L.S; Lawal, M. (Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Science, 1997)
    Hexokinase (E.C. 2.7. 11) from Dioscorea alata was isolated and purified 80 - fold using a combination of ammonium sulphate precipitation, gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography. Electrophoresis of the purified ...
  • Bilbis, L.S; Shehu, R.A; Abubakar, M.K (Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 1997)
    Albumin from sheep kidney cortex was Isolated and purified to apparent homogeneity by 5 steps procedure. This molecule was present in al/ kallikrein containing fractions during the course of purifying the enzyme ...
  • Abubakar, M.G; Bilbis, L.S; Lawal, M. (Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 1998)
    Millet seedlings (Ex-Borno, Gero type) were grown and crude cell extract of the leaves was used to assay for the activity of Nitrate reduCtase (EC spectrophotometrically at 540 nm according to Neyra and Hageman ...
  • Mahuta, Muhammad Garba (The Beam Journal of Arts and Science, 1998)
    This paper investigates parental attitudes towards gender equality in formaleducation in Sokoto. Ninety six (96) parents drawn from the parents of students of Government Girls College (G.G.C.) Sokoto constituted the subjects ...
  • Bilbis, L.S; Al-Joufi, A.M.H; Al-Hamidi, A.A.A; Bailey, G.S (Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1999)
    Kinin-releasing (kininogenase) and kinin-degrading (kininase) activities of a number of crotalid viperid and elapid venoms were measured with the aid of a kinin radioimmunoassay. A titrimetric assay using an arginine ester ...
  • Abubakar, M.K; Bilbis, L.S; Shehu, R.A (Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1999)
    the fully reduced and mixed valence enzyme was prepared as described by Bicker et al. (1984). Kinetics of CO rebinding subsequent to Laser photolysis was studied at 430nm by using a 20ns pulsed at 532nm vertically ...
  • Saidu, Y; Bilbis, L.S; Ibrahim, M.L (Klocex Academic Publishers, 1999)
    Some biochemical and haematological parameters of male weanling albino rats fed two locally prepared weaning foods labelled JK and LI diets were studied, JK diet was prepared from maize, soya beans and ground nuts in the ...
  • Lawal, M; Bilbis, L.S; Abubakar, M.K (Klocex Academic Publishers, 1999)
    In this study, an attempt has been made to determine the stoichiometry of the electrostatic complex between horse heart ferricytochrome c and cytochrome c oxidase using gel filtration chromatography. The conditions under ...
  • Magaji, A.A; Umar, M.A; Obudu, C.E; Agaie, B.M; Sonfada, M.L (Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 1999)
    This paper presents a case of schistosomus reflexus in a Maradi goat. The only nonster, a female in a set of triplets, was born alive while the two other kids were iormal. There was no fusion of ...
  • Abubakar, M.K; Lawal, M; Bilbis, L.S (Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1999)
    Cytochrome c oxidase was isolated from bovine heart using the method of Yonetani (1961). The enzyme was transformed into the more active "pulsed" form by complete reduction followed by subsequent reoxidation as described ...
  • Ajagbonna, O.P; Onifade, K.I; Suleiman, U (Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 1999)
    The toxic effects of the leaves of Calotropis procera were evaluated by observing abnormal changes in haematological, biochemical parameters and gross post-mortem changes in rats. The leaf extract produced significant ...
  • Alayande, M.O; Lawal, A.I (Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 1999)
    Ten adult rabbits with an average weight of 425gm were experimentally infected intraperiotioneally with cryopreserved Jaji stock of Cowdria ruminantium (Cr. 40). Changes in temperature pattern, s ...
  • Ajagbonna, O.P; Sofola, O.A (Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 1999)
    Relaxation responses to samorin (Isometamidiumchloride) were.tested on rat aortic rings pre-contracted with 10· 7 M noradrenaline (NA) and SOmMpotassium chloride (IcCI). . Samorin (10-8 to IO-4M) relaxedaortic ...


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