There is 'ltlitc a (;1.lilst;]l1tial variation 111the chemical cornpositlon of oil seeds due to varietal 'lnd '?TlVlrcllrnental
r;)el"I!'. 'i" d~trrrtlillc lhc exact composillon of populnr oil seeds 111Norlllcrrl NlgNlil, fresh camples \'10m oblatned and
:111:t!y~.('cI ur,it1U r,1;,,,(i.:>I" ruclhods .. , Ilr: !;ccds ;)11;1!Y!lcd;uc Groundmrt and Shcnnut: Colton, Melon, Sesame, Nccm and
M;11"'go5P.r:dS. Tile seed cnkns have an aver age clry matter of 94.5% and a crude protein content ranging from 18 - 57% except
for Manco seed which has G.6%. 1\1\ the seeds contain adequate quantities of the minerals phosphorus, sodium, calcium and
rnanncsium 10 Ini1I(~ tl1(,111capable of meeting the needs of animals fed on them. The quantities of oil (ether extract) In the
se~;15 r;ll;ar. frorn 7.0'j(, (Meioll "r:cd) 10 '19.-1% (Sesame seed) which me~115 Ihr.y can be corrunercla'ly (!YfJloitr.d, c'Ipccl<J!ly 05
llir.y ai o of good tl'lal1ly (ill lhe I1;lIUI;Jllriglyccrlcip. Iorms) as tndtcatcd by the low acid, free r<:lllyacid and peroxide values. The
saponi.ic allon values of all the oils indicate they are suitable for commercial soap mal<ing. The relatively high Iodine values of
the oils <11:;0 suggest they could be cholesterol lowering and hence beneficial in deterring atherosclerotic lesions.