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Girl-Child Education in Nigeria: Towards the Improvement of Enrolment and Participation of Girls in the Educational Provisions

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dc.contributor.author Mahuta, Muhammad Garba
dc.date.accessioned 2022-03-05T11:27:59Z
dc.date.available 2022-03-05T11:27:59Z
dc.date.issued 2006
dc.identifier.citation Mahuta, M.G. (2006). Girl-Child Education in Nigeria: Towards the Improvement of Enrolment and Participation of Girls in the Educational Provisions. Farfaru Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Studies, 1, 138-145 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/990
dc.description.abstract Various governments in Nigeria have made concerted efforts to pursue concrete and powerful steps aimed at enhancing girl- child access to education. In a series of international conferences on education. The education of girls and women was identified as a factor for socio-economic and political empowerment. Education is generally regarded as a fundamental agent or factor for socio-economic, political and cultural development. The level of education of a nation is a predictor or criteria for determining its socio-economic development. In matters such as health. Economy, the training or a skilled, efficient and effective workforce is usually affected by the quality or the nation's educational development. This therefore, means that there is a mutual relationship between education and development. Despite this relationship, a large proportion or girls receive little or no education in many parts of Nigeria. The aims of this paper is to identify and examine some or the issues pertaining to girls' education. Problems facing the education of the girl-child as well as the strategies that should be employed so as to improve the enrolment and participation of girls in education. The paper made a number of recommendations. For example, parents, and traditional rulers should be made to take part in the sensitization and mobilization process on the significance and relevance of girls and women education in the personal. family and national development. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Farfaru Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Studies en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries Volume 4;
dc.subject Girl Child Education en_US
dc.subject Education in Nigeria en_US
dc.subject Enrolment of Girls in Schools in Nigeria en_US
dc.subject Education Provisions for Girls in Nigeria en_US
dc.title Girl-Child Education in Nigeria: Towards the Improvement of Enrolment and Participation of Girls in the Educational Provisions en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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