Physical challenge is an impairment that is present in a person as a result of damage or disfigurement to a specific vital organ
such as legs, hands, toes, fingers, muscles, skeleton, spinal cord and central nervous system that are required for effective daily
life functions such as mobility, spatial orientation or body coordination. A physical impairment leads to incapacitation or
difficulty of ease of movement or bodily manoeuvre for daily for daily life functions (physical disability) while the disabling
condition results in a handicapping situation by the creation of an obstacle between the tasks expected to be performed with
ease or independently. This paper identify support staff, disability friendly environment, appropriate facility and equipment for
teaching/learning process, curriculum modification, early identification, positive attitude, awareness of what inclusion is all
about and accurate census of physically challenged students as central factors that could ensure appropriate inclusive
education. The paper concluded that, the possibility of Nigeria as a country is pessimistic and skeptical. However, for the
country to achieve full implementation of the policy as put forward in this paper, all hands must be put on deck. Essentially,
the government must further intensify efforts and pragmatic approach, rather than myopic approach. There is need for
government to formulate good implementation strategies and ensure their adherence by all and sundry