Principles and techniques of supervision have been regarded as the means through which teaching
and learning process can be more effective. This paper trace and discussed the historical aspect of
school supervision and inspection from 1910 to date. Purpose of school supervision as; ensuring
the maintenance of high moral among the teachers, suggesting ways of improving teachers’
performance among others were also examined. The scope of instructional supervision which
include: supervision of instructional work, supervision of school environment and supervision of
co-curricular activities were discussed. In the paper, the principles of supervision i.e. Principle of
human relation, principle of acceptance and principle of cooperation among others were
highlighted. Another issue examined by the paper was techniques of modern supervision, such as
demonstration technique, conference technique and classroom visitation technique. The paper also
examined the differences existed between traditional and modern method of supervision. For
example, the old concept of supervision was teacher/principal focused and school system centered,
it is also based on haphazard inspection visit. While the modern approach emphasis is on
assessing teaching and identifying instructional problems more than assessing the teacher, it seeks
to help teacher recognize and accept general aims of the school and work towards their
attainments. Problems confronting the supervision of instruction in Nigerian schools have been
mentioned to include: Unqualified and untrained personnel, inadequate funds for supervision of
instruction. Lastly, the possible solutions to the problems suggested include among other; to
provide sufficient funds for the supervisory activities. Adequate supervisory facilities should be
provide available.