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Paulo Freire's Adult Education Philosophy as an Alternative for Instructional Delivery in Universities in Nigeria

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dc.contributor.author Akanbi, M.Y
dc.contributor.author Sholagberu, A.O
dc.date.accessioned 2020-09-19T16:16:46Z
dc.date.available 2020-09-19T16:16:46Z
dc.date.issued 2016-03
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/930
dc.description.abstract This paper argues that Nigerian uni1·ersi1ies instructional deli1·en- mechanis111 is faulry and rnnnut guarantee effective leaching and /ea ming ll'hich 11 ·ilf resufl to produc1ion of sound. i1?formed. critical and productive graduates. The Nigerian un i1-ersirr teachers through 1heir appmaches to leaching domesticate. repress and intimidate leamers. This pmcess groll's and develops na,.,.0 11· consciousness and nanvw minded individuals ll'ho rnnnot champion 1he course of addressing Nigerian pmblems and e[fons toll'ards national sustainable develop111en1. Thus. the need.for searching alrema1i1·e approach 10 teaching in order to reposition the S\'Stem ll'iJ/1 a 1·ie11· lO producing gmduates ll'ho are skilled w 11101·e the countnfonmrd. Against this backg round. the paper calls.for exploration of Paulo Freire ·s Adu// Edumtion Philosoph1· as an alrernati1·e for instructional de/i1·en- in uni1·ersi1ies in Nigeria. To 1his end. the paper examines the si1ua1ional anah-ses of ins1ruc1ional deli1·ell' in universities in Nigeria. Also philosophr qf Paulo Freire and its implications ro 1eaching and lea m ing in 11n ive1:5iries in Nigeria were discussed J11e paper concludes that rhe ques1 .for p,vducing uni1·ersil1' graduares ll'ho ll'ill be ahle ro confronr Nigerian problems and pro111o re suswinah/e nmional dei·elop111enr 11·iff be reali:ed if Nigerian uni1·ersit_1· teachers mo1·e m1'CI_I' .fivm "banking .. educmion and embmce problem -posing model of educmion through conscienti:arion ,,·here learners and 1eachers are seen as co-parrners in learning. The paper recommends among 01hers thcu Faculr_1 · of Educa1io11 in Nigerian uni1·ersi1ies should conrinue to pressuri:e their uni1·e1-si(l · sena1es 10 nw11da1e all academic sic![{ 11'110 do 1101 hm·e leaching qual{fication to undergo postgmdua1e course in education in order lO acquire relemnr leaching qual(fica1ion ll'ifh a l'iell' ro unclers1anding rudimenrs of leaching and /ea111i11g ll'here lea111ers and teachers are co-partners in /ea ming. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher International Journal of Topical Educational Issues en_US
dc.subject Adult Education and Extension Services en_US
dc.title Paulo Freire's Adult Education Philosophy as an Alternative for Instructional Delivery in Universities in Nigeria en_US

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