dc.description.abstract |
:\ tutul numlu-r of giant rats «( ',iCe/fI/IIYSglll1lhiIlIlIlS) were «htaiucd from diffcrrnt lucations in
SolwlCl stall' between Ihe munt hs of 1\1a~' 011111 'Ii", cmln-r, ,')'n, The tun gUl', diaph 1'01gill and masxctcr
mu~dcs frum cch rat \\l'IT cxumincr] for Tr';"hilld/II spiralis lan'at'usillg the squuxh preparation techlIilllll'
anel art itic iall'nz~'mat ic di;.!l'sf ion II l'l huds. None of 1Ill' speci mcn« cxami ncd milT"Sl'opil' all)" \\ as
1'01111(1 positive for Trichinctl« spirolis Ian uc, This linllin;.! is signifirant in vie» of the zoollotil' implication
or the infection. There is necd tn CIInII IIl'1 Ihis I~ pl' III' su rH'~' in (,I her pal1s of till' rOllnll'~' where ;.!iant
rats an' delicacv 10 determine the t 11Il' ZlIIlIlOtil' sl alliS III' the panlsi re ill 'Ii igl'rian , cdihlc \\ iltl life pupul.rtinn. |
en_US |