Aluminium is the most abundant metallic element, and the third most abundant chemical element
in the earth’s crust (Exley, 2003; Krewski et al., 2007; ATSDR, 2008; Gupta et al., 2013). About
8.8% (88 g/kg) of its weight (Frederick and Edward, 2000) is found in the environment as silicates,
oxides and hydroxides and as complexes with organic matter (Nayak, 2002). It exists as
aluminosilicate composed of aluminium, silicon, oxygen, and in combination with other elements
such as sodium and fluorine in rocks (particularly igneous rocks), soil, clays, and gems (Whitney,
2002; Lide, 2005). Aluminium was first produced commercially by Sainte-Claire Deville (1856).