dc.description.abstract |
This study seeks to
a linguistic
analysis of television talk show, a case study
of NTA Kaduna with the aim of describing the nature of its dialogue, providing an
assessment of it, and exposing the peculiarities therein. It brings to the fore features
that have otherwise not been observed
in talk show. The usual assumption by
discourse analysts is that language used in institutionalized or formal se
ttings is
structured and follow
the tenets of discourse a
nalysis. As a result, there is a
disparity in language use in spontaneous and institut
ionalized settings. Chapter one
focuses on the background to the study. It also presents a brief insight into the case
study. It also exa
mines the research problem, aim, scope and
limitation as well as
the significance of the study. Chapter two looks at li
terature review,
conceptualization of television talk show, history of breakfast talk show and format
of breakfast talk show. Chapter three is the data presentation and analysis of the
study. Chapt
er four takes us to a p
ragmatic insight which forms the bas
is for arrival
at our conclusion. This study observes that language use within the talk show is not
fashioned in the usual manner of language use in institutionalized settings. It recommends that language use in other institutionalized settings should be
nalyzed as well for their flexibility as it pertains to spontaneity and also of the use
of other theoretical genres of L
inguistics for the analysis of dialogue as discourse
should be considered. |
en_US |