A tutal nf SIIII O\'ari~s from 2S11 female camels (ISlInllll prq,:n.mt anll lUll pn';..:nillll)w~I'~ measured.
In the nun p re;..:nant camel. the mean value of the left maries "T.c fuu nil tu he 3,1 X± II.7Xnn in kll;..:th,
2.23 ± II.SlIcm in hrcadth, I.t2:t: II. I ')em in thickness arul -t,13 ± IUd;..: in ,,~i;..:hl, Currl'spOIIIIiII;": \alll~s
fur the I'i;..:ht uvar'ics "ere 2.')c. ,f: 1I.(,lcm, I.X') ± 1I.3SCIII, II.'H ± n.x lcm anll3.11 ±H.hI;..: I"l'SlIl,rti\l'I~.
However, in the pn~~nant animalx, the left nvaries hall a mean kll~th of 3.1-t ±II.S7l"1l1.it mean hrcadth of
2.3S ± II.SX em, a mean thickness 411'0.')7± 1I,2Xcm and wd~ht of SAX ± II.7X~ while till" I'i;..:htI)\ari~s h'lIl
mean values 411-'t.St ± n.97em. 2.(,2 ± IIAnem, 1,33 ± 1I,2Xcm and 11.13 ± II.S2;..: fill' kn;..:t h. hr~allt h,
thickness and w~i;..:ht res)leetin~I.". A hundred anlllift~ animals wen' used fUI' the diuu-nxionul mcasu rements
involving the uterine hnrus, hull~', cervix and ,'a;..:ina. The nu-an values for the Il'ft 11111p1lT;..:nallt
uterine hnrnx were '),X(, ± 1.3Xcm fur len;..:th anll-tA3 ± 2AXcIIl fur diameter while the ,allll's for the
ri;..:ht nun pr~;..:nant uterine horns were (,.S(. ± n.')c III in kn~t hand 3.J') ± n,7l'm for di.unetcr, 1I0\\ en- r,
llI~all dimcnsiuus fur the prcgnunt uterinc h.II·IIS arc for tile kJ"t unrine horns : kn:.!,th 3X.2 ± (•.S,km
and dia.nctcr IS,X ± 2.(,2em. \\' hile the I'i~ht uterine hurns in the pn'~nant animal were: kn;":1 h I 3.M. ±
-t.16cm aml diametcr 7.99 ± L(' tem. TIll' mean values fur the cervix in the 1U1II-l'n'~nant camels arc:
len;..:th III'cervix -to')2 ± UI(,em, len~th of external os III'cervix, 1.9S ± I.Slkm: IIianu-rcr of ex tcrnal ux,
2.1 II ± IIAllem and the diameter of internal os, was 11.62 ± 1I.2I1em. The mean dimeusinu» 4111he adult
pre~nant camel cervix were ohtainell thus: len;..:th 411c'ervix S.2') ± 1.27l'm, kn;..:t h nl' external us, 1.1 t, ±
U.SScm, lell;..!th 411i'nternal OS, 1.')X ± II.M.em, and the diameter of inrcrna! us, II.S7 ± 11.1')em. Fur till'
uterine hudy, the non pre~lIant corpus uteri hall a mean lell:.,••h uf').S') ± 2.27cm and a width III'-to')-t ±
n,S('CIll, and the 11I'C~nant corpus uteri had a mean len~th hI' -t:3.')OCIll, and a mean width III' tX.U ±
S.XXCIl1.A statistieall~' si~nilieilllt difference was found tn exist (p<11.05) in all till' va ri".is lIinll"nsiuns uf
the ovaries, uterine horns, uterine hud~' and the cervix for IlJ·e;!.lIant and 11111Il1n';":lIillll animals.